How Your Money is Spent
Sanjiwani Public Health Mission Nepal (SPHMN) provides free health care to a community of 6000 people.
Delivering health services is not easy. Delivering and sustaining a health service in a country that is below the poverty line, is in a remote rural area in a mountainous region, and has poor infrastructure, brings additional challenges beyond any that we face in Western countries. We are therefore proud of what we have achieved so far and we wish to still offer this medical service to a very grateful community.
$20 000 =
- Wages – total $17600
- Mtce & Equip – $1000
- Governance – $400
- Medical supplies – $1000
95% of the donations are used for running the clinic and only 5% for overheads. The committee members, both in Nepal and Australia, volunteer their time to the successful running of the clinic. Employing our medical team, purchasing materials and our clinic running costs are totally met through sponsorship and donations.